WRMISS: Workshops on Radiation Monitoring for the International Space Station
6-8 Sep 2022 Mons (Belgium)
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Detailed programme with abstracts
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Tue. 06
Wed. 07
Thu. 08
Tue. 06
Wed. 07
Thu. 08
8:30 - 9:00 (30min)
Hall of the Academic Room
Opening speech
9:00 - 9:10 (10min)
Opening speech
Academic Room
François Vallée, Vice-dean, Engineering Faculty of UMONS
Opening Speech
9:10 - 9:20 (10min)
Opening Speech
Academic Room
Sarah Baatout, Head of Radiobiology group, SCK.CEN
Opening Speech
9:20 - 9:25 (05min)
Opening Speech
Academic Room
Frank de Winne, Astronaut at the European Space Agency
Welcome & organizational issues
9:25 - 9:30 (05min)
Welcome & organizational issues
Academic Room
Guenther Reitz, Patrice Mégret and Olivier Van Hoey
Astro Particle Experiments to Improve the Radiation Health Risk Assessment for Humans in Space Missions
9:30 - 9:50 (20min)
Astro Particle Experiments to Improve the Radiation Health Risk Assessment for Humans in Space Missions
Academic Room
Alessandro Bartoloni, INFN Roma & CERN
Proposal for a comprehensive space radiation data base
9:50 - 10:15 (25min)
Proposal for a comprehensive space radiation data base
Academic Room
Jack Miller, NASA Gene Lab, Berkeley
Coffee break
10:15 - 11:00 (45min)
Coffee break
Academic Room
Study of the Radiation Shielding Properties of the Composite Material in the ISS Service Module Crew Cabin
11:00 - 11:30 (30min)
Study of the Radiation Shielding Properties of the Composite Material in the ISS Service Module Crew Cabin
Academic Room
Natalya Cherkashina, Belgorod State Technological University
Almost four years of data for the DLR RAMIS measurements in LEO and further updates on the DLR M-42 detector family
11:30 - 12:00 (30min)
Almost four years of data for the DLR RAMIS measurements in LEO and further updates on the DLR M-42 detector family
Academic Room
Karel Marsalek, German Aerospace Center, Köln
12:00 - 14:00 (2h)
Academic Room
Pille Measurements on ISS (July 2019 – March 2022)
14:00 - 14:30 (30min)
Pille Measurements on ISS (July 2019 – March 2022)
Academic Room
Andrea Strádi, MTA Centre or Energy Research, Budapest
LIDAL: exploiting the Bethe Block equation for single particle energy identification
14:30 - 15:00 (30min)
LIDAL: exploiting the Bethe Block equation for single particle energy identification
Academic Room
Giulia Romoli, University of Rome Tor Vergata
LIDAL: nuclear discrimination
15:00 - 15:30 (30min)
LIDAL: nuclear discrimination
Academic Room
Giorgia Santi Amantini, University of Rome Tor Vergata
Coffea/Tea break
15:30 - 16:30 (1h)
Coffea/Tea break
Academic Room
LIDAL: combining spectra and estimating dose
16:30 - 17:00 (30min)
LIDAL: combining spectra and estimating dose
Academic Room
Luca di Fino, Italian Space Agency
LIDAL: towards RBE monitoring
17:00 - 17:30 (30min)
LIDAL: towards RBE monitoring
Academic Room
Alice Mentana, University of Pavia
DOSIS/DOSIS3D projects
9:00 - 9:30 (30min)
DOSIS/DOSIS3D projects
Academic Room
Daniel Matthiä, German Aerospace Center , Köln
Neutron measurements with ISS-RAD
9:30 - 10:00 (30min)
Neutron measurements with ISS-RAD
Academic Room
Andrew Castro, NASA JSC/Leidos
Operational use of Timepix-based Radiation Environment Monitors on ISS
10:00 - 10:30 (30min)
Operational use of Timepix-based Radiation Environment Monitors on ISS
Academic Room
Thomas Cambell-Rickets, NASA JSC, Leidos, Houston
Coffea/Tea break
10:30 - 11:15 (45min)
Coffea/Tea break
Academic Room
LIDAL REM DOSTEL intercomparison
11:15 - 11:45 (30min)
LIDAL REM DOSTEL intercomparison
Academic Room
Livio Narici, University of Rome Tor Vergata
Update on radiations measurements on the surface of Mars conducted with MSL/RAD
11:45 - 12:15 (30min)
Update on radiations measurements on the surface of Mars conducted with MSL/RAD
Academic Room
Bent Ehresmann, South West Research Institute, Boulder
12:15 - 14:00 (1h45)
Academic Room
Crew Active Dosemeter Project Overview : ISS Ops , Commercial Crew, Artemis
14:00 - 14:30 (30min)
Crew Active Dosemeter Project Overview : ISS Ops , Commercial Crew, Artemis
Academic Room
Ramona Gaza, NASA JSC, Leidos, Houston
Data Analysis Techniques for the Crew Active Dosimeter on ISS
14:30 - 15:00 (30min)
Data Analysis Techniques for the Crew Active Dosimeter on ISS
Academic Room
Bryan M. Haynes, NASA JSC, Leidos, Houston
Coffea/Tea break
15:00 - 16:00 (1h)
Coffea/Tea break
Academic Room
Artemis Hera on Space station
16:00 - 16:30 (30min)
Artemis Hera on Space station
Academic Room
Nicholas Stoffle, NASA JSC, SRAG, Houston
SRAG overview of the suite of hardware that will be used in future missions (ISS, MPCV, HLS, Lunar Surface) and use of that to inform radiation operations
16:30 - 17:00 (30min)
SRAG overview of the suite of hardware that will be used in future missions (ISS, MPCV, HLS, Lunar Surface) and use of that to inform radiation operations
Academic Room
Kerry Lee, NASA Johnson, SRAG, Houston
Compact Electron Proton Spectrometer
17:00 - 17:30 (30min)
Compact Electron Proton Spectrometer
Academic Room
George Stuart, NASA Johnson, SRAG, Houston
Banquet (Bistro Martin, rue de la Grande Triperie 17, Mons)
20:00 - 23:00 (3h)
Banquet (Bistro Martin, rue de la Grande Triperie 17, Mons)
Le Bistro Martin
Enhanced Active Tissue Equivalent Dosimeter (eATED)
9:00 - 9:30 (30min)
Enhanced Active Tissue Equivalent Dosimeter (eATED)
Academic Room
Eric Benton, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater
SpacePix Radiation Monitor - a compact multi-layer particle telescope
9:30 - 10:00 (30min)
SpacePix Radiation Monitor - a compact multi-layer particle telescope
Academic Room
Jakub Jirsa, Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU)
Imaging Radiation Particle Trajectories at Micron Resolution: Applications for ISS and Beyond
10:00 - 10:30 (30min)
Imaging Radiation Particle Trajectories at Micron Resolution: Applications for ISS and Beyond
Academic Room
Prem Saganti, Texas A&M University, Houston
Coffea/Tea break
10:30 - 11:15 (45min)
Coffea/Tea break
Academic Room
Space Dosimetry Telescope concept for the MSR Earth Return Orbiter
11:15 - 11:45 (30min)
Space Dosimetry Telescope concept for the MSR Earth Return Orbiter
Academic Room
Attila Hirn, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest
ALMAR Dosimeter for space application
11:45 - 12:15 (30min)
ALMAR Dosimeter for space application
Academic Room
Marianthi Fragopoulou, Herado, Athens
12:15 - 14:00 (1h45)
Academic Room
MARE on the NASA Artemis 1 mission
14:00 - 14:30 (30min)
MARE on the NASA Artemis 1 mission
Academic Room
Thomas Berger, German Aerospace Center (DLR)
The Hungarian to Orbit (HUNOR) Astronaut Programme and its relevance to the space dosimetry community
14:30 - 15:00 (30min)
The Hungarian to Orbit (HUNOR) Astronaut Programme and its relevance to the space dosimetry community
Academic Room
Attila Hirn, Centre for Energy Research
The Lunar Explorer Instrument for space biology Applications (LEIA)
15:00 - 15:30 (30min)
The Lunar Explorer Instrument for space biology Applications (LEIA)
Academic Room
Jack Miller, NASA Gene Lab, Berkeley
Coffea/Tea break
15:30 - 16:30 (1h)
Coffea/Tea break
Academic Room
Other issues, Next Meeting
16:30 - 17:00 (30min)
Other issues, Next Meeting
Academic Room
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